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Link Acquisition

How do we acquire quality links?

Some people may call it link building, but we prefer link acquisition.

Building can imply a scattergun approach that includes securing a plethora of lower-quality links: instead, our approach and strategy prioritises earning those traffic-driving, authority-building links.

  • Building relationships: Utilising our many years of outreach expertise and our leading media monitoring software, we discover which journalists and bloggers would be interested in featuring content by you, and ‘sell in’ your brand or business.

  • Competitor analysis: Our strategy can involve investigating where competitors have links — for outreach purposes, this suggests a link is attainable. Similarly, if a competitor has a high-performing, highly-linked piece of on-site content, we would create content that betters theirs, to position yours as a primary resource.

  • Filling content gaps: Through content marketing we create search-optimised content designed to rank in Google, which has the ability to earn backlinks as content is discovered and shared organically without the need for outreach.

  • Valuable, in-depth outreach: We think strategically about what content has worked for your competitors and what your target audience wants to read about. It sounds obvious, but providing value ensures that journalists will be more likely to feature your content.

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What does link acquisition do for you and your business?

If done well, earned links help with your industry authority and search engine visibility — they signal to Google that you are a trusted source of information on the topics that you care about.

Link building isn’t just about outreach, as we discussed — the more credible and in-depth your on-site content is, the more likely you are to rank highly, secure the coveted featured snippet position and then have your content shared organically.

We're proud of our work.

Other PR services

Projecting your brand across all consumer touchpoints.

  • B2B PR — for business-to-business organisations who want to increase industry awareness and connect with key stakeholders.
  • B2C and product PR — we help businesses who sell direct-to-consumer to increase their sales with holistic PR strategies.
  • Creative campaigns — we can be the brains behind your next awareness-driving, lead-generating PR campaign.
  • Crisis communications — for when things don't go quite to plan, we can lend a media relations helping hand.

Drop a message to our Yorkshire link acquisition & outreach PR experts today.

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When creatives meet techies, amazing things happen

We'll invest time getting to grips with what you need to meet your objectives and reach your audiences; then we’ll bring together the best possible combination of our digital marketing and web development experts to deliver your project.