
Announcements, Branding

Team Extreme is proud to unveil its new identity

Same people, same business, but clarity in our values, a visual identity that really connects where we’ve been with where we’re going and of course, an agency we hope our clients are proud to work with.

Time to practise what we preach

As a marketing agency we get so (rightly) caught up in delivering for our clients that sometimes we forget to look inwards at what we want to say and how we should say it. So, one sunny January morning in 2017 we got the ball rolling to create and kickstart our rebrand.

We started with a Brand Strategy - looking at our aims as a business, who we wanted to work with, what we wanted to achieve and what we needed to be and communicate to help us get there. This meant speaking at length as a team, and with our clients to get a feeling for what makes Extreme special. We took this data, feedback and insight and got to work creating something that really, truly reflects us.

Drumroll please…

Brand Logo Marque

Brand Identity

Our existing identity was no longer working for us, it didn’t reflect Extreme’s brand personality, we had outgrown it. The dynamic pairing of our Head of Design and Head of Content, set about bringing the brand to life. Interpreting and feeding in all of the discovery findings into both how we look and how we sound.

We revisited and refined our logotype and the Creations was dropped. We are Extreme, but not in nature. We looked at how we could reflect the growth and maturity of the company, and create a sense of reassuring creativity and expertise and highlight the sometimes subtle but crucial craft that goes into everything we do. We developed a handcrafted logo marque which symbolises and reflects the change in name and our newly defined brand promise.

This was supported by a toolkit of assets which includes distinctive typography reflective of our personality, a sophisticated and vibrant colour palette and a new suite of graphical assets that really convey our professional, yet creative approach. Complementing the visual aspect of the identity we produced a more refined Tone of Voice which has been applied to all of our marketing material, including our shiny new website.

Refined logotype

Marketing with style and substance

This is our brand promise. It does what it says on the tin. When we looked at our business and asked our clients to do the same, our ability to balance technical know-how with creative flair was something that everyone agreed made us stand out. No compromise on anything; marketing that has both - that’s our promise.

Our Values

This was one of the most important parts of this work, for all of us, clients too. Being confident in what we stand for, how we work and what we commit to as a business is important internally and externally. While we knew ourselves what mattered to us, we wanted to pin it all down and be clear. Here they are:


Pride in our work, always striving to deliver the best.


Original marketing that exceeds expectation.


Marketing with style and substance.


An exceptional blend of creativity, technical skill & passion.


Continuous learning, honing our craft, being futureproof.


The value of finding ‘our people’.

So what does all this mean? Well, we’re pretty much the same, bar some swanky graphics and new branded kit. The real outcome of this is speaking to clients, potential clients and prospective team members in a way that really captures the team, how we work and what we care about - which is doing a really great job from a studio that’s full of passionate people!

Stay tuned for our branding case study, where we’ll walk you through how each element of the brand comes together.

Fancy a good ol' chat about the values of marketing to your business?

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Marketing Agency

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