Ad Manager Apps
Trusted by more than 300 companies of all sizes, across a diverse range of industries
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Tech Marketing Meeting

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Paid search ads are the bread and butter of any paid media strategy.

The concept is simple: your prospective client or customer searches for a product or service, and they see your ad. It’s the yellow pages of the 21st century.

Google Ads 1

Google Ads

The majority of searches happen on Google, so this is usually where we would start.

To deliver a successful search strategy on Google Ads, we would dig deep to discover and provide the answers to a few key questions:

  • Who are you looking to target? We'll help you to explore demographics, interests and locations that relate to your target audience(s) — it’s not just keywords that are important!
  • How are your prospective customers or clients searching? What search terms are they using? How are they referring to your product or service? What language and phrasing do they use? What devices are they using to do this? All this — and more — we aim to help you learn.

  • How will you measure success? What action do we want users to take when they arrive on your site? We'll devise and implement a strategy for leveraging Google Ads’ bidding strategies to achieve it.

  • What do you want to say? We’ll help to write compelling, eye-catching search ads, utilising all of the available features to amplify your message and highlight your USPs. Here, we help you you to stand out against your competition.

From our Yorkshire HQ, Extreme's paid search advertising specialists will ensure all your paid activity is reaching the right people in the most efficient, effective way.
Bing Ads

Microsoft Ads

Knowing your audience is absolutely key to maximising the impact of your paid media spend.

Cover all bases. There’s no point piling all of your ad spend into search ads on Google if your prospective customers are part of the 10% who use Bing as their primary search engine tool.

We also have the expertise to run highly effective, data-driven paid search ads on Bing using Microsoft Ads, as well as other lesser-known search engines such as DuckDuckGo.

Ad Manager Apps

Paid search and organic search

There is a collaborative approach between all of our technical teams.

In an ideal world, you wouldn’t need to spend any money on paid search as your prospective customers would find you organically.

However, the reality is that Google is dedicating more and more SERP real estate to ads. To appear in front of your target audience in those key, decision-making moments, you also need paid search.

Paid search gives your site a boost relative to your competitors — it's an effective way of plugging the gaps left in your organic search visibility,.

Collaboration is key. Extreme's SEO team share insights on new keywords and focus areas, with the PPC team in turn uncovering new, influential search terms that form the basis of new site content.

We deliver paid and organic search campaigns that work in tandem and grow together.

Other PPC Services

We specialise in all aspects of paid media.

Whatever types of paid ad activity you need to reach your target customers and start driving sales, we can help.

  • YouTube and video advertising - when done correctly, this type of paid media can be a cheap, effective, trackable way of sending brand awareness soaring and raising your profile.
  • Google Shopping advertising - if you're looking to sell more on the most popular search engine, we spare no effort to get your campaigns working and selling as best they can.
  • Display and programmatic advertising - sophisticated, creative and highly-effective retargeting and awareness campaigns that keep your brand front and centre in your customers' minds.
  • Amazon advertising - our data-driven, insight-led strategies are proven at helping clients to sell more through the world's favourite online marketplace.
You're in good hands
Integrated & collaborative

A paid search strategy should work in harmony with your wider marketing efforts.

Extreme's PPC campaigns draw on the analytical and technical experience of the wider team. Each strategy bespoke and made with love by our in-house team in Harrogate, Yorkshire.


On-site and off-site search engine optimisation


Online stores, stock management & fulfillment

Social Media

Social media management, paid social and influencer marketing

We're a paid search advertising agency in Harrogate, Yorkshire.

Let's realise your paid search ambitions.

When creatives meet techies, amazing things happen

We'll invest time getting to grips with what you need to meet your objectives and reach your audiences; then we’ll bring together the best possible combination of our digital marketing and web development experts to deliver your project.